Top 4 habits you need to implement to achieve your goals


It could be argued that your health is the sum total of your daily habits compounded over time. Of course, nothing is ever certain, although a person’s habits usually give a good general predictor of how healthy or unhealthy they will be in the future.


Most people have goals that include: weight management, building/retaining strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility/mobility and general quality of life. If you share similar aspirations, it makes sense to analyse your daily habits. More good habits stack the odds in your favour while too many bad habits make success unlikely. With that in mind, please see a list of good habits to aim for below. 

For 90% of our clients, getting these in place will mean they are well on the way to success!

2-3L of water a day

You probably know that drinking water is important. Still, many of us struggle to stay hydrated throughout the day

As a reminder of how important drinking water is, consider that studies have shown that even mild dehydration can lead to negative effects on your cognition, including mood swings, muddled thinking and difficulty concentrating. If you work a job that requires concentration, and are constantly dehydrated, you could see how this might be a problem. Not to mention the long-term effects dehydration can have on your body.

Make drinking water a priority and use the tips below to increase your intake:

  • Drink a glass of water before every meal

  • Carry a bottle around with you throughout the day(spend money to get a good one and you’ll want to use it!)

  • Download an app or set reminders on your phone

  • Consider buying a filter if you don’t like the taste of tap water

7-9 hours of sleep a night

Good sleeping habits are absolutely essential. If you don’t prioritise sleep your results will suffer. In order to increase the chance of a good night's sleep:

  • Turn off all electronic devices an hour before bed 

  • Make sure your room is dark and cool

  • Be consistent in your sleeping and waking times

  • Consider meditating to clear your mind before sleep

  • Have a caffeine cut off time

7,000 steps a day 

We have our clients aim for a minimum of 7,000 steps a day. Although this target can vary from case to case, the idea is that you would move as much as possible throughout the day. 

To build more movement into your day:

  1. Always take the stairs

  2. Park further away from your destination

  3. Go further afield (on foot) to buy your coffee

  4. Set off ten minutes earlier and go the scenic route when walking or biking to work

  5. Get a standing desk (yes, be that guy!)

  6. Always stand or walk when taking phone calls


Whether your goals are related to weight loss, or just general health - you need to be supporting your body with quality nutrition. Eating from mostly whole-food sources will provide you with the nutrients required.
— Max, foundation gym

3 nutritious meals a day

Are you getting at least 3 nutritious meals a day?

We would define a nutritious meal as one that contains vegetables, a good source of protein and some healthy fats.

NOTE - We don’t shy away from carbs at Foundation, but the amount and frequency of carbs depends on several factors including your individual physiology and goals.

Whether your goals are related to weight loss, or just general health - you need to be supporting your body with quality nutrition. Eating from mostly whole-food sources will provide you with the nutrients required.

4 workouts a week

We believe that 4 workouts a week is a great number to aim for. This means you’ll be training more days in a week than not. However, we do understand that this is not always feasible. If you are extremely busy and can only train 2-3 times a week that is still 100% worth doing. Also, consider that playing a sport you love, or other activities like hiking could be counted here.

Yours in health,

The Foundation Team

Gemma McCabe