Why did we call ourselves Foundation?


Welcome to our blog. we thought it was important to start the blog by explaining our brand and our philosophy towards health and fitness. So here goes…


We started Foundation in March 2019 with over 15 years of combined experience in the industry and getting frustrated with how one dimensional it can be. There is far more to a successful transformation than exercise and diet.

We want to build a community where we could help people learn, adopt, and succeed with the 5 pillars that we believe make up the Foundation of health:

  • Mindset

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Stress Management

  • Sleep and Recovery

Here is a little bit about each pillar and why each pillar plays a vital role in you achieving your goals and living an extraordinary quality of life. 


If you don't have the right mindset, you won’t be able to create the right environment to achieve the goals you want to achieve. If you don't have the right environment it doesn't matter what habits and daily rituals you try to implement, you will be setting yourself up to fail and only resent the experience. Mindset is vital in establishing where you are currently at, what are realistic goals for yourself, and how committed to those goals you are. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with maintaining your current health if that is the where your mindset is currently at. However, if your goal is to lose 10kg of weight but your mindset doesn't match that, you end up maintaining where you are currently at and over the course of 12 weeks, you end up disappointed, deflated and probably will want to give up. 


Our internal health is heavily influenced by the food we put in our bodies. At Foundation we take pride in educating our clients to make the food choice that best work for them. We don't demonise food groups, apart from highly processed fats (which can be damaging to cells of your body).

Nutrition is vitally important for achieving positive body changes and we like to work with everyone individually to find a system and structure that helps them achieve their goals. 


Exercise is crucial for many reasons to changing your body in positive way but also for improving your health. When you exercise you are actually putting a great deal of stress on the body. If our nutrition and recovery is adequate, then we can make the positive adaptations that we all want! Losing body fat, fitting a smaller size, feeling fit - all of these come from the adaptations of exercise, however they will not happen without the support of nutrition, recovery and lifestyle choices.  

At Foundation we also believe that exercise is a pillar for being the best version of yourself through the lessons you learn in improving your mindset. When the times get tough, when you need to push yourself to finish an exercise, when you need to push yourself to get to the gym. We believe exercise helps build social connections, the connections that are becoming lost in modern society, even though through technology we are more connected than ever. With our group training we have created a non-judgemental fun and family-like environment to help push each other along and develop meaningful social connections. 


Mindset is vital in establishing where you are currently at, what are realistic goals for yourself, and how committed to those goals you are. 
— Foundation

Stress Management

The world we live in is stressful. Our ancestors used to only deal with the stresses of life-threatening situations and we now have that same life-threatening response when our boss sets deadlines or when we’re stuck in traffic. Stress kills and if we are overwhelmed all the time our bodies are going to be constantly struggling for survival, making it very difficult to achieve your desired result. 

The first step in stress management is appreciating you have excess stress in your life and the second is finding solutions that help you manage it. We specialise in helping people build effective stress management into their lives to help them achieve their best possible health and therefore self.


You need to recover harder than you train to become the best version of yourself, this includes:

  • Sleeping 7-9 hours.

  • Matching your food to your output (making sure you eat enough for the amount of energy you are burning through your day).

  • Stretch, relax, and whatever other recovery techniques that work for you to achieve the best results. 

Sleep is often overlooked when it comes to health, we abuse the need for it by sacrificing it to fit more into our days. To become your best self, sleep needs to be a non-negotiable otherwise your body will never be able to achieve optimal health. 

We will be releasing a weekly blog on all things health - nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management and mindset. If you have any topics that you're confused about when it comes to health then please reply to this and let us know what you need help with.   

Otherwise, we suggest looking at these 5 pillars and seeing where the gaps are for you right now. By focusing on each of these pillars you give yourself the best chance of achieving proper results and obtaining long term success with your health and fitness. 

You wouldn't build a house on a poor foundation. You should have the same approach to your health and wellbeing.

Yours in health,

The Foundation Team

Gemma McCabe