Do you hate the gym? Well, guess what? You're not alone, in fact, 90% of our clients hated the idea of training in a gym before they started with us.



We sympathise with everyone that has gym-phobia, whether that be from a bad experience in the past or just the thought of it. We actually would never choose to exercise in a big corporate gym ourselves, the thought puts us off like no other.

Do you hold any of the following beliefs about exercising in a gym?

  • Gyms are for fit and strong people?

  • Gyms are for young people?

  • Gyms are for possers?

  • You have to be comfortable and strong to attend the gym?

  • You have to know what you're doing because there is no help?

  • Everyone will look at you because you don't know what you're doing?

These are all common beliefs that people have around the gym and therefore choose to avoid it. How do you change these beliefs? Is it finding a way around these very real scenarios and building a mindset to manage them? Or will that be vulnerable to break down by one funny look or one rude comment from a fellow gym-goer?

The answer could be far simpler, maybe it's finding an environment that has actually been created to accommodate and make people who hate the gym feel comfortable and actually love coming to the gym?

At Foundation we pride ourselves in the environment and culture we have created where everyone is welcome, no one is judged and the most important outcome of your experience is that you actually really enjoy your time in the gym.

If this kind of environment sounds like what you have been missing then please get in contact with us. We love to help people achieve fitness goals and improve their health but we also love making people feel safe and at home in our environment.


The answer could be far simpler, maybe it’s finding an environment that has actually been created to accommodate and make people who hate the gym feel comfortable and actually love coming to the gym?
— Nathan, foundation gym


We have three spaces available in our Small Group Training program and anticipate that these won't last long, this will be the last Small Group Training intake for the rest of the year! We also have a few hours of 1 on 1 Personal Training available currently if that suits your needs better.

If you need an environment to help you achieve your goals and a place to feel comfortable and safe with exercise then we promise to provide that for you. Don't let the fear of the gym hold you back any longer, we have a solution to help. All you need to do is reply 'yes' to this blog and we will get in contact with you.

We look forward to meeting with you soon.

Yours in health,

The Foundation Team

Gemma McCabe