9 Tips for Food-Prep Mastery


There's no overlooking the importance of a good diet. Without the right fuel, you can't possibly hope to perform at your best in the gym, at work, or elsewhere. 
With that said, making the right food choices isn't always easy - especially when you're busy juggling the responsibilities of career and family. What you need is a way to make eating healthy food:

A - More Convenient 

B - Less Time Consuming

C - More Enjoyable

D - Cheaper

The answer?


Food Prep.jpg

In theory, meal prep is a simple process:

1 - Plan Meals 

2 - Go Shopping 

3 - Cook Food

4 - Pack Food

5 - Eat & Repeat

In practice, things can get complicated. The first few times you meal-prep; it'll take longer than expected; you'll forget something from the shop; mess up one of the recipes, or run out of Tupperware. 

When this happens, it's tempting to dismiss meal-prep as a waste of time. That would be a colossal mistake — if you're patient and spend the time that it takes to refine this process — it will change your health and your life.

The following nine tips should help you get to meal-prep mastery in record time!


Keep the process as simple as possible; find a few reliable staple-meals that tick all the boxes, they should be:

Good for your health 
Easy to prepare
Enjoyable to eat
Budget-Friendly (if that’s a concern)
— Max, foundation gym

#1 - Know that it will take longer than you think at first

Food Prep is a skill, and as such, it requires practice. The first few times you do this it will take longer than expected. Don't let that put you off! It will get quicker and more manageable, with practice. 

#2- Take A Shopping list to the Supermarket 

This one seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to forget that shopping list. You're trying to save time here, and multiple trips to the shop go against that - Don't forget that list!

#3 - Buy Tupperware! - You need a lot more than you think

#4 - Don't Try Too Many New Meals At Once 

If you're trying a new recipe, make a smaller batch to test it out. The last thing you want is a fridge full of meals you don't like! When this happens, you're more likely to call for a takeaway or head to the shop for lunch. 

#5 - Don't Get Too Fancy  

It can be tempting to map out a week's worth of gourmet meals in the planning stage of food-prep—when it comes to shopping for and cooking these meals though—you will regret that choice. 

Keep the process as simple as possible; find a few reliable staple-meals that tick all the boxes, they should be:

  • Good for your health 

  • Easy to prepare

  • Enjoyable to eat

  • Budget-Friendly (if that's a concern)

#6 - Don't prep everything!

It's 100% possible to over-prep. Having every meal planned out ahead of time takes all the joy out of eating! Instead, prep breakfast and lunch ahead of time, but leave some wiggle room for dinner. You can still pre-prep veggies, etc. - but allow for more freedom in at least one of your meals.

#7 - Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork

Halve the work you have to do by recruiting a: housemate, family member or friend. It's easy to get others on board when you tell them you can make them healthier, and save them money at the same time!

#8- Let your food sit before storing - If you box your food up when it's piping-hot, you end up eating soggy meals all week!   

#9- Buy healthy snacks

It's hard to get your portion sizes perfect the first time-round. For that reason, it makes sense to have a few healthy snacks on hand, so you don't resort to unhealthy foods when that mid-afternoon slump hits!

In Closing - Hopefully, you'll consider making food-prep a habit! Rather than outsourcing your nutrition to restaurants and cafe's—you'll empower yourself to take control of your health!

If you need help with this, or any other aspect of your health & fitness come and see us at Foundation.

Yours in health,

The Foundation Team

Gemma McCabe